Written by: Josh Sens
As tremors across the US and around the world remind us, it’s never too soon to prepare for an earthquake—especially if you live in the West. The simple steps you take now will help protect you and your household when the next round of shaking starts, and keep everyone safe in the event of aftershocks, an emergency, or a larger disaster.
1. Seek out a safe spot.
Do not move to another room or run outside: You’ll likely put yourself at greater risk. The area immediately next to any building is one of the most dangerous places to be because debris often falls off structures. Consider that some earthquakes are so powerful that you may not be able to walk or even crawl while it’s happening. If you’re in bed, stay where you are, but roll over on your stomach and cover your head and neck with a pillow for protection.
Keep a bag secured to the underside of the bed containing hard-soled shoes, a flashlight with extra batteries, work gloves, and a whistle. (These utilitarian items may serve you well in other types of emergencies too.)
2. Practice “drop, cover, and hold on.”
The hazards aren’t over when the first wave of shaking stops. Aftershocks can come seconds, minutes, and days later. Practice the Drop, Cover, and Hold On drill with your family at least once a year. If you need a reminder, mark your calendar for the Great ShakeOut in October, when millions of people around the world participate in earthquake safety drills.

3. Involve everyone in your practice drills.

4. Establish a meeting place.
Talk to your children about what to do if an earthquake strikes while they are at school and you are at work. Parents with long commutes can ask friends or neighbors who are closer to school to pick up their kids in the event of an emergency; these details should be worked out in advance and included in your child’s file at school and your family’s communication plan at home.
5. Develop a communication plan.
In the aftermath of a quake, keep calls as brief as possible to avoid overburdening already busy cellular networks and draining your mobile phone’s battery. A text is often more efficient and more likely to get through to the person you’re trying to reach. If you have internet access, email and social media can also be effective ways to locate and/or communicate with family members.
Conserve the battery life on your mobile phone by dimming the screen’s brightness and turning on low power mode if available. As a backup, consider buying a satellite phone or messenger (a device that allows you to send text messages via satellite) and storing it somewhere accessible in case your cell service goes down.
All U.S. cities and counties have emergency and reverse-911 numbers that send automatic alerts to your mobile phone in the event of emergencies. You can sign up for these services through various apps and websites, including Smart911.com. Keep in mind, however, that cell phone service might be down in the wake of an earthquake, so having an alternate communication plan is important.
6. Put together earthquake preparedness kits.
Earthquake kits should include first-aid supplies such as antibiotic ointment, bandages, pain relievers, prescription medications and glasses, and splinting materials, as well as tools such as a flashlight, a battery-powered radio, and a whistle to signal for help. Kits should also be stocked with enough nonperishable food and water to last at least three days. The general rule is one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation.
Items should be stored in airtight containers and then placed in a larger container that’s easy to carry, such as a backpack. Update your earthquake kits at least once a year, replacing any expired items and making any modifications to suit your household’s shifting needs.
Smart Tip: Wondering what to put in your preparedness kits? Save time and hassle by ordering one with many of the essentials from Ready America. AAA Members get up to 30 percent off select Ready America products purchased online.
7. Remember to prep for your pet(s).
It’s also wise to keep a pet first-aid kit that contains items such as gauze, a muzzle, a digital thermometer, and hydrogen peroxide. Keep photos of your pet(s) in your kit to help retrieve them if they’re lost and to verify ownership when you’re reunited.
Note that most emergency shelters do not allow pets. Ask a friend or a relative in advance if they would be willing to take your pet(s) in the wake of an emergency. Keep their contact information in your pet’s emergency kit.
8. Identify alternate shelter.