BOISE – As millions of Americans take part in family vacations this time of year, AAA is sharing tips to prevent theft while you’re away.

“Take some time to safeguard your home before you go,” says AAA Idaho public affairs director Matthew Conde.  “Many crimes are crimes of opportunity.  If your home isn’t an attractive target, thieves may move on to someplace where it is easier to steal.”

7 tips to protect your home

  1. Make it time-consuming to break in.  Research suggests that if it takes four or five minutes to break into a home, many thieves will give up.  Check door and window frames to ensure they are sturdy, and use deadbolts to slow thieves down.
  2. Invest in a burglar alarm that alerts the police.  Check with your insurance agent about possible alarm system discounts.
  3. Disconnect computers and other electronic devices that could be vulnerable to hacking.
  4. Keep valuables locked up and out of sight.  Use fireproof lock boxes for your most sensitive information and to protect family heirlooms.
  5. Make your home look inhabited.  Use timers to turn lights on and off, temporarily stop newspaper and mail deliveries, and have someone mow and maintain your yard if you will be gone for an extended period of time.  Have a friend check on your home while you’re away.
  6. Inventory your valuables for insurance purposes, and check to make sure your insurance policy adequately covers your prized possessions.
  7. Avoid discussing your vacation plans in public and on social media until after you return.