Did you know statistics show for a seven day trip most travelers pack and unpack an average of 8 times? Since your luggage is basically your home while traveling, keeping an organized bag will make your trip more enjoyable – and save valuable vacation time searching for items along the way.
When traveling, use some of the same organizing principles as when at home – you know the saying: ‘A place for everything and everything in its place’. It’s easiest to do this by having an organizer for every category: tech, personal care, clothing, laundry, etc.
Here are some tips – and travel essentials – to help keep you organized on your next trip.
Personal Care Items
This lightweight water-resistant kit has a roomy compartment with 2 interior pockets and has a mesh zippered interior panel – with a convenient top grab handle a hook that tucks away when not in use.
Travelon Hanging Toiletry Kit
AAA Member Price: $23.99
Cocoon 3-1-1 Pouches
AAA Member Price: $18.00
AAA Member Price: $10.99
A good mantra for packing light: Pack for a week and do laundry. If your budget allows, send it out and have someone else do it, or do a little hand wash in the sink and allow items to drip dry overnight.
To keep dirty clothes separated from clean until you’re ready to wash – use plastic compression bags. Simply zip clothes inside and roll to compress the air out the one-way-air valves. And best of all? They seal in odors!
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Travel Smart, Pack Light
- AAA Bend – September 18th
- AAA Medford – September 25th
- AAA Beaverton – October 9th
- AAA Clackamas – October 10th
- AAA Boise – October 16th