BOISE – July is National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month, and AAA is sharing ways to reduce the likelihood that your car will be a target.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a vehicle is stolen in the United States every 31 seconds. That’s more than a million cars stolen last year, with more than $8 billion in losses. Unfortunately, just over half of these cars are ever recovered.

“Whether a vehicle is chopped down for parts or stolen outright, no one wants to face the headache of dealing with theft, damage, or an insurance claim,” says AAA Idaho public affairs director Matthew Conde. “Many stolen vehicles are crimes of opportunity. Reduce the opportunity, and thieves may move on.”

Theft prevention tips

  • Keep your car locked at all times. Store keys and key fobs away from the vehicle.
  • Park in well-lit, well-traveled areas.
  • Consider the use of a home security system, including alarms, motion detectors, additional lighting, and security cameras as needed.
  • Never leave anything valuable – or that looks valuable – in plain sight.
  • If your vehicle is stolen, contact your insurance company and file a police report right away.

Many thieves target the catalytic converter, which is valuable and easy to remove. Some vehicle owners are choosing to have the VIN number etched on their catalytic converter as a deterrent.

“Obviously, vehicle theft can happen at any time, but the summer can be particularly problematic, as a lot of people are tempted to leave their vehicle running to keep it cool while they run in for a quick errand,” Conde said. “Don’t make it easy on thieves. It may not be convenient, but when seconds count, anything that slows a thief down is a good idea.”

AAA recommends visiting with your insurance agent to find out if comprehensive insurance, which normally covers theft and vandalism, is a good investment.