National average steady due to refinery issue impacting Great Lakes States

PORTLAND, Ore., – Drivers on the West Coast and in most other states continue to see pump prices ease while drivers in the Midwest are being hit with rising prices due to a refinery issue in the Chicago area. Lower crude oil prices below $80 per barrel are helping to put downward pressure on pump prices. For the week, the national average for regular remains at $3.50 a gallon. The Oregon average slips two cents to $3.94 a gallon.

National State Local Gas Prices 7-30-24

“A refinery in Joliet, Illinois lost power in a tornado and has been offline since mid-July. This facility normally produces nearly 252,000 barrels per day and the outage has sent pump prices soaring in the Great Lakes states. Once production returns to normal, we would expect prices in the area to ease, and that should put some downward pressure on the national average,” says Marie Dodds, public affairs director for AAA Oregon/Idaho. “However, hurricane season remains a wildcard. Forecasters expect activity to pick up soon. Any storm that impacts energy infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico has the potential to send crude oil and pump prices higher.”

This week, 24 Oregon counties have averages below $4 per gallon, compared to 21 counties a week ago:

Baker $3.80

Benton $3.56

Clackamas $3.97

Crook $3.87

Deschutes $3.73

Douglas $3.83

Gilliam $3.90

Hood River $3.87

Jackson $3.94

Jefferson $3.73

Klamath $3.91

Lake $3.99

Lane $3.75

Linn $3.66

Lincoln $3.68

Malheur $3.86

Marion $3.85

Morrow $3.79

Polk $3.80

Sherman $3.86

Umatilla $3.79

Union $3.98

Yamhill $3.88

Wasco $3.91

The Oregon average began 2024 at $3.79 a gallon compared to $3.94 today. Its lowest price so far this year is $3.58 on February 14 and the highest is nearly $4.51 on May 1. The national average started the year at $3.11 and is at $3.50 today. Its lowest price so far this year is just under $3.07 on January 15 and the highest is just under $3.68 on April 19.

Gas prices are often fairly steady during the summer months, barring hurricanes, supply disruptions and/or geo-political events. Gas prices always rise starting in late winter through the spring as refineries undergo maintenance as the switch to summer-blend fuel occurs. The switch occurs first in California, which is why pump prices on the West Coast often rise before other parts of the country. The East Coast is the last major market to make the change to summer-blend fuel. Most areas have a May 1 compliance date for refiners and terminals, while most gas stations have a June 1 deadline to switch to selling summer-blend until June 1. Switch-over dates are earlier in California with some areas in the state requiring summer-blend fuel by April 1. Some refineries will begin maintenance and the switchover as early as February.

Crude oil prices fell below $80 per barrel last week and remain in the mid-$70s this week, in part due to concerns about China’s economy. Crude prices are impacted by economic news as well as geopolitical events around the world including the war between Israel and Hamas, the war between Russia and Ukraine, and Houthi militant attacks in the Red Sea. In addition, production cuts by OPEC+ have tightened global crude oil supplies, which will continue to impact prices. And we’re in hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to November 30.

The price of crude oil reached the year-to-date high of nearly $87 per barrel on April 5. West Texas Intermediate climbed above $80 on March 14 and above $85 on April 2, then dipped below $85 starting on April 17 and below $80 again on May 1. WTI rose above $80 per barrel again on June 17, then fell below that threshold again on July 22. Major drivers of elevated crude prices are the unrest in the Middle East, the decision by OPEC+ to keep oil production cuts in place, and Ukrainian attacks on Russian refineries. Russia is a top global oil producer and the refinery attacks have reduced output.

Crude prices have been volatile after the attack on Israel by Hamas last October. While Israel and the Palestinian territory are not oil producers, concerns remain that the conflict could spread in the Middle East, which could potentially impact crude production in other oil-producing nations in the region.

Crude oil is trading around $75 today compared to $77 a week ago and $82 a year ago. In 2023, West Texas Intermediate ranged between $63 and $95 per barrel. Crude reached recent highs of $123.70 on March 8, 2022, shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and $122.11 per barrel on June 8, 2022. The all-time high for WTI crude oil is $147.27 in July 2008.

Crude oil is the main ingredient in gasoline and diesel, so pump prices are impacted by crude prices on the global markets. On average, about 55% of what we pay for in a gallon of gasoline is for the price of crude oil, 12% is refining, 18% distribution and marketing, and 15% are taxes, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Demand for gasoline in the U.S. rose from 8.78 million b/d to 9.45 million b/d for the week ending July 19, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). This compares to 8.94 million b/d a year ago. Meanwhile, total domestic gasoline stocks fell from 233 to 227.4 million barrels. Gasoline production rose last week, averaging 10.2 million barrels per day.

Higher gasoline demand but lower oil costs may keep pump prices relatively stable for now.

Quick stats

Oregon is one of 33 states with lower prices now than a week ago. Indiana (-8 cents) has the largest week-over-week drop in the nation. Colorado (+11 cents) and Ohio (+7 cents) have the largest weekly jumps. Storms in Illinois knocked out power to an Exxon-Mobil refinery in Joliet, causing pump prices in the region to climb.

Hawaii ($4.67) has the most expensive gas in the nation for the second week in a row. California ($4.65) is second, Washington ($4.25) is third, and Illinois ($4.03) is fourth most expensive. These are the four states with averages at or above $4 a gallon, up from three states a week ago. This week 45 states and the District of Columbia have averages in the $3-range. There is one state with an average in the $2 range this week.

The cheapest gas in the nation is in Mississippi ($2.97) and Louisiana ($3.06). No state has had an average below $2 a gallon since January 7, 2021, when Mississippi and Texas were below that threshold.

The difference between the most expensive and least expensive states is $1.70 this week, compared to $1.69 a week ago.

Oregon is one of 18 states with lower prices now than a month ago. The national average is one cent more and the Oregon average is 12 cents less than a month ago. This is the third-largest month-over-month decline in the nation. Wisconsin (+18 cents) and Illinois (+18 cents) have the largest monthly gain in the nation. California (-14 cents) has the largest month-over-month decrease.

Oregon is one of 47 states and the District of Columbia with lower prices now than a year ago. The national average is 25 cents less and the Oregon average is 67 cents less than a year ago. This is the second-largest year-over-year drop in the nation. Washington (-70 cents) has the largest yearly decrease. Michigan (+8 cents) has the largest year-over-year increase.

West Coast

The West Coast region continues to have the most expensive pump prices in the nation with six of the seven states in the top 10. It’s typical for the West Coast to have six or seven states in the top 10 as this region tends to consistently have fairly tight supplies, consuming about as much gasoline as is produced. In addition, this region is located relatively far from parts of the country where oil drilling, production and refining occurs, so transportation costs are higher. And environmental programs in this region add to the cost of production, storage and distribution.

RankRegionPrice on 7/30/2024
9District of Columbia$3.70

As mentioned above, Hawaii is the state with the most expensive gas in the country. California, Washington, Illinois, Nevada, Oregon, and Alaska round out the top seven. Arizona is 21st.  Oregon falls to sixth most expensive after three weeks at fifth.

Five of the seven states in the West Coast region are seeing small week-over-week declines: Alaska (-3 cents), Oregon (-2 cents), California (-2 cents), Hawaii (-1/2 cent), and Washington (-1/2 cent). Nevada (+6 cents), Arizona (+2 cents) have weekly increases.

The refinery utilization rate on the West Coast fell from 91.6% to 90.2% for the week ending July 19. This rate has ranged between about 74% to 93% in the last year. The latest national refinery utilization rate decreased from 93.7% to 91.6%. The refinery utilization rate measures how much crude oil refineries are processing as a percentage of their maximum capacity. A low or declining rate can put upward pressure on pump prices, while a high or rising rate can put downward pressure on pump prices.

According to EIA’s latest weekly report, total gas stocks in the region declined slightly from 32.22 million bbl. to 32.13 million bbl.

An decrease in the refinery utilization rate and/or a low rate can put upward pressure on pump prices, and a decrease in gasoline stocks can also put upward pressure on pump prices.

Oil market dynamics

Crude oil prices fell below $80 last week and remain in the mid-$70s this week even after growing tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. Markets continue to be concerned about weak economic data out of China, which is the largest consumer of crude oil. Meanwhile, the EIA reports that crude oil inventories decreased by

3.7 million barrels from the previous week. At 436.5 million barrels, U.S. crude oil inventories are about 5% below the five-year average for this time of year.

At the close of Friday’s formal trading session, WTI fell $1.12 to settle at $77.16. At the close of Monday’s formal trading session, WTI fell $1.35 cents to settle at $75.81. Today crude is trading around $75 compared to $77 a week ago. Crude prices are about $7 less than a year ago.

Drivers can find current gas prices along their route with the free AAA Mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android. The app can also be used to map a route, find discounts, book a hotel and access AAA roadside assistance. Learn more at


For the week, the national average falls two cents to $3.81 a gallon. The record high is $5.816 set on June 19, 2022. The Oregon average also loses two cents to $4.04. The record high is $6.47 set on July 3, 2022. A year ago the national average for diesel was $4.02 and the Oregon average was $4.48.

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Fuel prices are updated daily at AAA’s Daily Fuel Gauge at AAA Gas Prices. For more info go  AAA Oregon/Idaho provides more than 900,000 members with travel, insurance, financial and automotive-related services, and is an affiliate of AAA National, serving more than 64 million motorists in North America.