Orofino Lumberjack Days celebrates its 75th anniversary, bringing four fun-packed days of festivities to Orofino, Idaho, from September 12-15. Since 1947, the festival has been held to showcase the lumber industry, and celebrate the logging and farming way of life. About 4,000 people attended the Lumberjack Day. Today, the show boasts more than 30 competitive categories highlighting the skills of logging, such as chopping, sawing, and birling—the art of staying balanced on a floating and spinning log. The festival opens on September 12 at the Orofino City Park Fairgrounds, kicking off with the Midway of Fun Carnival. On the 14th, a 12-hour itinerary brings a parade, auction and horse-pull competition to town. Honoring its oldest tradition, Orofino Lumberjack Days concludes with a log show. Participants may compete or spectate at this lumberjack tradition. See orofinolumberjackdays.org.