BOISE – Despite our best efforts to be safe drivers and responsible homeowners, unexpected situations can arise that lead to an insurance claim.  AAA is sharing tips to help make the claims process easier.

“Life has many twists and turns, and of course, insurance wouldn’t exist if fender benders, water damage, and other issues weren’t so common,” says AAA Idaho public affairs director Matthew Conde.  “When it’s time to file a claim, being calm and methodical will help expedite the process.”

Tips for stress-free auto insurance claims

  • When involved in a crash, take steps to protect yourself and your vehicle from further damage if it’s safe to do so.
  • Contact the police for guidance and to report any injuries.  Reporting the incident will establish a written record, and in some states, a police report is also required if damages exceed a certain amount, regardless of injuries.
  • Create written and photo documentation of the crash and driver information.  Use your cell phone to take lots of pictures and videos of the damage.
  • Contact your insurance company to report the incident and any damage.  Learn what they’ll need from you (and when), including documents and attachments.  Keep the claim number handy for future reference.
  • Visit your doctor as soon as possible if you’ve been injured.  Obtain documentation of your injuries and submit medical reports to the insurance company upon request.

Tips for home and renters insurance claims

  • Contact your insurance company as soon as possible.  Alert the police if any laws have been broken, such as burglary or vandalism.
  • Make a list of what was stolen or damaged and inventory your most prized possessions.  Photograph any damage.  Note: you’ll need to photograph your most treasured valuables in advance.
  • After taking photos or videos, make minor repairs to prevent further damage or to keep you and your possessions safe.
  • Keep notes and receipts for any out-of-pocket expenses: repairs, hotel bills, etc.

AAA encourages the public to visit with their insurance agent if they have any questions about what their insurance policies will or will not cover.